Hello there! Top of the day to you and hope you and yours are well and happy. You have those days when you pretend you don't have things that needs to be done. The best part is if those things must not be done but not all of us have t
Hello there! Top of the day to you and hope you and yours are well and happy. You have those days when you pretend you don't have things that needs to be done. The best part is if those things must not be done but not all of us have t
Title: Be Yourself_Pop Art_#1 Link:
Ink and oil painting created December, 2020. I wanted to make this into an a
I have been feeling a bit different about
By some form of organic mutability, you can develop a mechanism for id
The closer you get to something the harder it is to see i
“The sun rises today and sets again. A flower that bloomed in the morning, falls from its stem. The sun sets today and
Some solutions to real life problems are disguised as nightmares. Published on
"pride can blind you on your weaknesses" and in so doing, it makes you vulnerable.
If you were to turn into a snake tomorrow, and began devouring humans, and from the same mouth that you devoured humans
Hanging, dripping with certainty. Lemon drops, sour and sweet. I had a taste of it and so should yo